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Hello and thank you for your interest in The Chase Academy!

The Chase Academy is a private 501(c)3 formed in 2006 by concerned parents, educational professionals and community volunteers who have all lent their expertise to develop an educational program that is designed specifically to meet the individual needs of students with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) within a welcoming, secure environment, sensitive to the aspects of ASD that cause students to be uncomfortable at a traditional school. For all of us, children are our first love, and for many of us, our own personal experience with children with ASD has inspired us to bring a better, more suitable quality of education to the community.


We believe that our success is a direct result of our willingness to adapt to the individual needs of our students, and their parents. Our immediate goal is to maximize student potential by customizing our curriculum to address the concerns of parents and their advising medical professionals, as well as to highlight the strengths of each child and allow them to grow and socialize in a warm and welcoming environment.


Long term, this Academy intends to grow to include students from Kindergarten through 12th grade and to offer academic high school diplomas that will prepare students for college and beyond, or a vocationally based program of study for our students who do not wish to continue their education in college.


The major focus of our three-year plan is to secure regional accreditation from SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) in order to ensure that the diploma our graduates receive is accepted by state and private colleges, just as any other mainstream high school diploma.  We are currently in the Review process with the accreditation organization.

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