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Steps to Enrolling at The Chase Academy

  1. Go to and apply to both scholarship opportunities: Click on the McKay Scholarship link.  From the McKay page, look for “Apply for McKay Scholarship” in the left margin of the screen.  Follow the prompts to apply for your scholarship.  Scholarship amounts are based on services provided by your public school.  This ranges between $5,000 – $19,000 per student.​ Also apply at for the Personal Learning Scholarship Account: This link will lead you to the names of approved scholarship providers.  These providers will give you guidance as to the timelines and documentation required to receive this scholarship.  Scholarship amount is the same for all qualifying students: approximate value is $10,000. If approved for BOTH, you should choose the one with maximum financial value – you CAN NOT choose both.

  2. Call and arrange for a facility tour and to meet with the school director. Miriam “Mimi” Lundell is the Executive Director and can be reached at 386-690-0893 daily, Monday through Friday. Facility Tours are given with 24 hours notice Monday – Thursday.

  3. Receive a copy of the Interest packet & Student Application to take home and complete. Return the completed application with a copy of your state’s Confirmation letter(s). Letter should be received in two to three weeks and contains a confirmation number for your child, and a coordinating matrix / scholarship value for McKay, or an account number assigned to your child for your PSLA account. Include a personal check for $25.00 as registration for your child. Your child will then be officially “registered” with TCA on the school choice website.

  4. Notify your existing school of your official withdrawal on or before August 10th.

  5. Sign and return a copy of your Individual Tuition Fees to with your child’s $25.00 enrollment fee. Signature indicates agreement to financial obligation; a copy will be returned to you. Please include a check for the first “two weeks” of each quarter to be held until each quarter’s check is signed. This check will be used to settle your account or returned to you at the close of the year.

  6. Bring in the required File documents to the Parent Orientation Meeting: Birth certificate, Immunization & Health Records, School Records (verify): IEP, Progress, Behavioral Plan, FUBA, therapies

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Click below to download our application!

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